Certificate Practice/Certificate Practice Statement (CP/CPS)

1 Introduction
The purpose of the Novo Nordisk Certification Practice/Certification Practice Statement (CP/CPS) is to outline the principles and practices related to certifications in Novo Nordisk. This CP/CPS applies to all entities participating in or using Novo Nordisk certificate services. NNIT A/S established the Novo Nordisk Root Certification Authority (“Novo Nordisk Root CA”) and the Novo Nordisk PKI in support of the generation, issuance, distribution, revocation, administration, and management of public/private cryptographic keys that are contained in CA-signed X.509 Certificates. The Novo Nordisk PKI is intended to support internal and external Novo Nordisk cryptographic requirements, where authentication of an organization or individual presenting a digitally signed or encrypted object to a Relying Party is of benefit to participants in the Novo Nordisk PKI. This CP/CPS describes the practices used to comply within the PKI for Novo Nordisk.

2.1 Identification
The practices set forth in this CPS applies exclusively to the Novo Nordisk PKI Solution. This document assumes the reader is familiar with the general concepts of digital signatures, certificates, and public key infrastructure (PKI). If the reader is new to public key infrastructure concepts, the reader may choose to consult the different institutions to gather freely available for downloads, such as an overview of PKI, orientation on key concepts such as digital signatures, asymmetric key pairs, Certification Authorities, registration authorities, policy and practice statements, and business issues and considerations. For the purposes of this CP/CPS, the term Novo Nordisk PKI refers collectively to Novo Nordisk PKI service and end entities. Novo Nordisk PKI service consist of The Novo Nordisk Root Certificate Authority 01 G1 ("Novo Nordisk Root CA 01 G1") and their related management teams that generate, issue, distribute, revoke and manage cryptographic keys and Certificates. The Novo Nordisk Authentication Certificate Authority ("Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 01 G1") The Novo Nordisk Signature Certificate Authority ("Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 02 G1)," The Novo Nordisk MDM CA 03 G1 (“Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 03 G1”) The Novo Nordisk AWS solution ("Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 04 G1").  

2.2 Community and Applicability

The Novo Nordisk Root CA administers the signing, issuance, and revocation of Certificates used to establish and authenticate a Novo Nordisk Subordinate CA. The Root CA, is also used for signing its Certificate Revocation Lists (“CRL”)

2.3 Contact Details

The contact information for this CP/CPS is: NNIT A/S Østmarken 3A 2860 Søborg Denmark. NNITCAAdministrators@nnit.com

2.4 Apportionment of Liability

2.4.1 Private Key compromise

NNIT reserves the right to revoke any certificates, without notice, if it believes the Subscriber’s private key has been compromised, or upon request from the Subscriber.

2.4.2 Certificate Revocation Procedure

The certificate revocation process for Novo Nordisk Certificates will commence upon receipt of a valid request from Novo Nordisk responsible or NNIT Service line responsible for the certificate. Once a certificate has been revoked, its revocation status cannot be modified. After revocation, a new certificate can be requested according the initial issuance process. The Root-CA's revocation process supports the secure and authenticated revocation of one or more Certificates and provides a means of communication of such revocation through. Publication of a CRL updated within 8 hours of authorization of revocation. In addition, revoked Certificates are removed from the CRL after the Certificate has expired.

Who Can Request Revocation: Any appropriately authorized party, such as a recognized representative of a subscriber or cross-signed partner, may request revocation of a certificate. NNIT may revoke a certificate without receiving a request and without reason. Third parties may request certificate revocation for problems related to fraud, misuse, or compromise. Certificate revocation requests must identify the entity requesting revocation and specify the reason for revocation.

NNIT Processes a revocation request as follows:

1. NNIT logs the identity of entity making the request or problem report and the reason for requesting revocation. NNIT may also include its own reasons for revocation in the log.
2. NNIT may request confirmation of the revocation from a known administrator, where applicable, via out-of-band communication (e.g., telephone, fax, etc.).
3. If the request is authenticated as originating from the Subscriber, NNIT revokes the certificate.
4. For requests from third parties, NNIT personnel begin investigating the request after receipt and decide whether revocation is appropriate based on the following criteria:

a. The nature of the alleged problem,
b. The number of reports received about a particular certificate or website,
c. The identity of the complainants (for example, complaints from a law enforcement official that a web site is engaged in illegal activities have more weight than a complaint from a consumer alleging they never received the goods they ordered), and
d. Relevant legislation.

5. If NNIT determines that revocation is appropriate, NNIT personnel revoke the certificate and update the CRL.

2.5 Publication and Repository

2.5.1 Publication of CA Information

The latest version of this CP/CPS can be found at: pki.novonordisk.com/cps.html

2.6 Compliance Audit Requirements
The Novo Nordisk CA’s adopt wholly all policies under this sectioning CP/CPS

2.7 Conditions for Applicability
This section sets forth practices related to the use of the Novo Nordisk Root and sub-CA’s.

2.7.1 Permitted uses
The Novo Nordisk Root CA and Sub-CA’s will create keys, manage keys, issue Certificates, manage key life cycles, manage certificate life cycles, operate a private repository, and perform other functions to support distribution for the following types of certificates this applies to the subordinate certificate authorities:
4.1.1 Certificate Authority ("Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 01 G1") is Authentication.
Usage on Novo Nordisk Signature Certificate Authority ("Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 02 G1)," is Signature. §9.1
Usage on Novo Nordisk MDM CA 03 G1 (“Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 03 G1”) is MDM.

Usage on Novo Nordisk AWS solution ("Novo Nordisk Issuing CA 04 G1") is programmatically using an API using modern authentication.

2.8 Limitations on use

The Novo Nordisk Root Certificate Authority 01 G1 ("Novo Nordisk Root CA 01 G1") can only and are only allowed to issue Sub-CA’s (subordinate Certificate authorities) Novo Nordisk issuing-CAs will not allow its Certificates to be used to create a Certification Authority or to allow its private key to sign a Certificate issued by another Certification Authority. Except for internal-use Certificates, any Certificates issued from the Novo Nordisk issuing-CAs shall not be used for any purpose that is not identified in this CPS §2.7.1 as a permitted use.

2.8.1 Issuance controls

Issuance controls are configured and controlled on the subordinate Certificate Authority’s.

3 Maintenance

3.1 Root CA

When maintenance is required on the Novo Nordisk Root Certificate Authority 01 G1 ("Novo Nordisk Root CA 01 G1") it is required to use tamper-evident containers/packaging for storing PKI artifacts. A Root CA inventory list is also mandatory to fill out when accessing the Root PKI artifacts.

The required information includes:
* Date (MM-DD-YYYY)
* Bag no. (Number from the tamper-evident bag)
* Initials (Of the ACS/OCS responsible)
* Verified (That processes and procedures are done accordantly Y/N)
* Signatures (Of the ACS/OCS responsible)
* Description (Bag inventory defined)

4 New Issuing CA

4.1.1 Issuance of a new CA

Accordance to procedures request can be made for issuing of a new Subordinate CA. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk to NNIT or by NNIT to Novo Nordisk. When request is received from Novo Nordisk or by NNIT to Novo Nordisk a CA Key ceremony can by initiated. NNIT can facilitate and prepare for the Key ceremony if needed.

5 Handle renewal of existing Root CA certificate

5.1.1 Renewal existing Root CA

Accordance to procedures request can be made for Renewal of existing Root CA Certificate. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk to NNIT or by NNIT to Novo Nordisk.

5.1.2 Renewal existing Issuing CA

Accordance to procedures request can be made for Renewal of existing Issuing CA Certificate. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk to NNIT or by NNIT to Novo Nordisk.


5.1.3 Request CSR (certificate signing request)

Accordance to procedures CSR (certificate signing request) can be made. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk to NNIT or by NNIT to Novo Nordisk.


5.1.4 Certificate revocation

According to procedures request can be made for certificate revocation for each certificate type and from each certification authority. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk to NNIT or by NNIT to Novo Nordisk.


5.1.5 Certificate approval

According to procedures certificate approval requests can be made for each certificate type. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk or NNIT.


5.1.6 Smart Cards

According to procedures Smart Card request can be made. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk or NNIT.

6 Certificate Requests

6.1.1 Approval workflow

Manual requested certificates will be approved according to approval workflow with Certificate manager approval, code signing certificate etc.

7 Monitoring of certificates CLM - Certificate Lifecycle Management

7.1.1 CLM

The NNIT Certificate Lifecycle Management Portal is used in relation to Certificate Lifecycle Management - both externally issued (Symantec/Verisign, Global Sign, etc.) as well as internally issued. All certificates which are issued manually and ordered directly through CLM (or indirectly through Remedy service requests) are added to the CLM Portal for monitoring. Also, the CLM Portal monitors PKI health (CRLs) and CA / ADCS configuration – including Certificate Templates. Monitoring CA / ADCS configuration and Certificate Templates requires running NNIT Certificate Discovery on each CA regularly to ensure that changes / additions are picked up. NNIT Certificate Discovery can be done by request Ad-Hoc.
The Portal also provides guidance, tools, monitoring and reports and acts as the NNIT Registration Authority. CRLs are monitored for health through NNIT CLM.

8 Key Recovery

According to procedures key recovery requests can be made. Request is initiated by Novo Nordisk to NNIT or by NNIT to Novo Nordisk.

9 Certificate purposes and usage

9.1 Digital Signature

Data in an electronic form used to authenticate other electronic data that the digital signature is attached or logically associated with. The Digital Signature certificate is strictly personal and sharing of the private key is not permitted. Subscribers are only allowed to use the digital signature certificates for the intended purpose of signing document





Certificate Practice/Certificate Practice Statement (CP/CPS)